Practical, real world, HubSpot advice for growing your business
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A typical HubShots episode includes
A look at the trends, challenges and tactics that leading marketing managers and sales professionals are encountering.
New HubSpot features and tips for using key HubSpot functionality, covering both the Marketing platform and HubSpot CRM.
We share our real-world experiences using HubSpot and Inbound Marketing strategies. Complete with our mistakes and learnings!
What our listeners say
Craig and Ian have provided exceptional support to HubSpot’s ANZ Success teams. Learning from their evident expertise and proficiency in HubSpot has been highly beneficial. We gained valuable insights from their demonstrations and the framework for attribution, which has aided us in serving our customers. They have proven to be valuable assets to our team by generously offering their time and knowledge to help our CSM team grow as a whole.
Danielle Andriske & Paul Derham
Senior Customer Success Managers, HubSpot
Thanks for creating this podcast, it's awesome, ... I listen to it, and I enjoy it.
Brian Halligan
Co-Founder, HubSpot
Long time listener, first time commenter (I think). Thanks for another great episode.
Dharmesh Shah
Co-Founder & CTO, HubSpot
One of my favourite episodes to date. Great work guys!
Moby Siddique
CEO, RedPandas
Awesome podcast guys! Great to hear your thoughts on INBOUND. Keep crushing it!
Luke Summerfield
Founder, Growth-Driven Design at HubSpot
Shoutout to HubShots for their tireless work in producing quality marketing goodness.
Daniel Weatherhead
Communications Manager, Leonardo BPM
About HubShots
HubShots is an unofficial weekly Aussie HubSpot podcast, hosted by Ian Jacob and Craig Bailey.
Creators of The HubShots Framework.