Episode 154: HubSpot Social Reporting, Academy Refresh and Meetings Troubleshooting
Welcome to Episode 154 of HubShots! Welcome to HubShots, APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips and tricks, new...
Welcome to HubShots, APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips and tricks, new features, and strategies for growing your marketing results.
This episode we discuss three of our favourite HubSpot Workflow tips. Plus think through uses for the Lead Status field. And social strategy versus social tactics.
Listen to the show here: https://soundcloud.com/hubshots/153-our-top-3-hubspot-workflow-tips/
Welcome to HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers who use HubSpot hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.
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Recorded: Wednesday 03 April 2019 | Published: Friday 12 April 2019
The Sydney HubSpot User Group in March was a useful night of insights and HubSpot tips.
Sarah McIntyre shared her HubSpot Tip of the Night around using signup forms and Lead Flows (ahem, I mean Popups). Interesting tip - use a person’s face as the image in the popup form.
Moby wowed us with his HubSpot Maturity Model for where to focus your energy, based on your current situation. Interesting tip - using HubSpot Contact Property based reports. He’s a big fan of the reports - and a good reminder to me to dig deeper into the reporting tools.
Our 3 guest speakers highlighted the need to build your own brand, and how it’s a long, tough journey - but worth it. One example that resonated with me - Suzi Dafnis explained that you didn’t have to be the name of the brand, but you did have to be the face of the brand.
And if all that wasn’t enough we had a bunch of marketing jokes thanks to our MC for the night.
Our top 3 HubSpot Workflow tips
1] Use the Settings to set workflow suppression and unenrollment. Have a Global Suppression list you use in all workflows - see episode 149: Global Suppression Lists in HuSpot Workflows
2] Use the workflow Goal to exit people, as well as report on progress.
3] Looping workflows - a Parent and Child workflow arrangement that can be set to keep looping around eg every day or week. Parent workflow has two entry criteria triggers - the first is a general one to get it started, the second is usually a custom property that is reset by the Child workflow. The parent workflow starts and has a simple delay eg a few minutes, and then calls the Child workflow (and the Parent then finishes). The child workflow performs and action (eg send and email) and then has the main delay (eg a day or a week, etc). The final step of the workflow is to set (or reset) the custom property that triggers the Parent.
These are useful for sending out periodic emails, updating other properties, etc.
This is a nice feature that Moby reminded us about at the HUG.
You can setup your own Lead Status options, and use them to trigger actions, as well as use in reports.
Example: Using it to create a deal when you get to a particular lead status
Checkout episode 148 where dive in detail into the differences between Lifecycle Stage and Lead Status.
Accidentally turning campaigns on and off in the Ads add-on.
That slider will turn campaigns on and off. It is NOT for selecting what to include in reports!
Three new relevancy metrics. The new metrics are quality ranking, engagement rate ranking and conversion rate ranking.
The quality ranking metric will measure an ad’s perceived quality compared to ads competing for the same target audience.
The engagement rate metric will work the same way, showing an ad’s expected engagement rate compared to ads competing for the same audience.
The conversion rate ranking shows an ad’s expected conversion rates when compared to ads with the same optimization goals and audience.
As with the previous relevance score, these new metrics are not factored into an ad’s performance in the auction, but instead provide insights into how changes to creative assets, audience targeting or post-click experience may impact ad performance.
Reverse engineer the social activity of a successful marketing based company, and you’ll be able to see the difference between having a social strategy, versus just doing social tactics.
Social strategy includes choosing the goal of each channel eg
Compare this to social tactics, which are often just
Action item: determine what’s right for your business - in many cases simple social sharing (tactics only, no strategy) is fine. But if you see opportunity in having a full social strategy, then don’t underestimate the time and effort involved.
Content Sells with Suzi Dafnis
Latest episode is here:
Ecommerce SEO
Hard to find a better article than this about ecommerce SEO. I haven’t even finished reading it all, and I’m already recommending it.
“It’s called the equal odds rule. If you want to write a frequently cited paper, publish a lot. If you want a successful business, get to work. If you want to sharpen your skills as a disruptor, disrupt. A simple metric: show up and keep showing up.”
Mark Porter nails perfectly some of the SEO bragging that is all over twitter these days:
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Welcome to Episode 154 of HubShots! Welcome to HubShots, APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips and tricks, new...
Welcome to Episode 149 of HubShots! Welcome to HubShots, APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips and tricks, new...
Welcome to Episode 128 of HubShots! Welcome to HubShots, APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips and tricks, new...