HubShots - APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast - where we discuss HubSpot tips & tricks, new features, and strategies for growing your marketing results.
We hope you enjoy the podcast as much as HubSpot's CEO, Brian Halligan does.
This episode we chat about HubSpot’s decision to include basic email sends in HubSpot free, plus Social Robots.
Listen to the episode here:
HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.
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Recorded: Thursday 18 July 2019 | Published: Friday 26 July 2019
Thinking about ‘temporal subscriptions’ thanks to the This Old Marketing podcast (which returned this week - we chat about the podcast further in shot 7).
Temporal subscription behaviour is becoming more common - it’s the tendency to just subscribe temporarily eg subscribe to Netflix for just a series (eg Stranger Things) and then cancel. It’s the drop in and out mentality.
Worth considering in your industries - even if you are a B2B business - because all purchase behaviour eventually follows personal (consumer) behavior. Start planning for it now.
See also:
HubSpot has enabled sending up to 2000 emails in the free accounts
Here’s what you’ll see the first time you go into Emails in a free Marketing Hub account:
I wonder how concerned is about this getting abused by spammers - I’m guessing plenty:
Apparently the What’s New report is considered a dashboard report…
One we like is the Average Time to Respond Over Time
You can measure how quickly team members are responding to tickets over time. This report displays the average time it takes users to send an email reply to a ticket once it has been created, and compares this to the previous time period.
Issues with turning a form in a template into a smart form.
You’re in a template, that has a section with form eg a Contact Us area. You want to make the form into a smart form (eg to switch out the form based on a list).
In the template it doesn’t give you the option to make it smart:
However, according to the KB article it should:
On to HubSpot Support, and Steve on chat - 15 mins later he’s given me a workaround:
It shows the option to make the form smart
Use this second module, and delete the first module
Probably a bug - but that’s the workaround for now.
Track how many visits you are getting from Google My Business
Want to highlight 2 things from this report:
Like most robots, social robots use artificial intelligence (AI) to decide how to act on information received through cameras and other sensors.
Worldwide sales of consumer robots reached an estimated $5.6 billion in 2018 and the market is expected to grow to $19 billion by the end of 2025, with more than 65 million robots sold a year.
There is a wave of robots like BUDDY (Blue Frog Robotics), a big-eyed mobile device that plays
games in addition to acting as a personal assistant and providing home automation and security.
2. Collaborative Telepresence
Although collaborative telepresence is still very much emerging, all the pieces are in place for it to become transformative within three to five years.
As the parts are come together, expect to see changes in daily life and work that are as dramatic as those sparked by the widespread adoption of smartphones.
Takeaway: Be aware as these could be other channels to reach your audience as they become more comfortable with AI driven robots and interacting with others in different mediums.
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose are back with their This Old Marketing Podcast
Beautiful images - The internet’s source of freely useable images. Not like stock photos!
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -Mark Twain
Interesting form layout choice of the week:
Why have email as a small third field and the employee dropdown as so large?
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