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Episode 20: Email Marketing Trends

Episode 20: Email Marketing Trends

Welcome to Episode 20 of HubShots!

Recorded: Friday 12 February 2016

Welcome: recorded live at the HubSpot Sydney Office #sydspot

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

HubSpot has a useful stats page, detailing some interesting data points around email marketing: http://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics#topic-email

For example: 80.8% of users report reading email on mobile devices. (HubSpot)

Campaign Monitor has a similar (but more up to date) list of stats: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/email-marketing/2016/01/70-email-marketing-stats-you-need-to-know/

For example:

  • Automated email messages average 70.5% higher open rates and 152% higher click-through rates than “business as usual” marketing messages. – Epsilon Email Institute
  • 75% of Gmail’s 900M users access their accounts via mobile devices. –TechCrunch

Shot 2: HubSpot feature/tip of the Week

HubSpot's email designer has a really cool feature for allowing 'smart content' - content you can swap in/out based on the contact's details and lifecycle stage.

Smart content within emails: http://knowledge.hubspot.com/smart-content-user-guide/how-to-create-smart-content-in-a-hubspot-email

Shot 3: Challenge of the Week

What to do with inactive subscribers: https://blog.mailchimp.com/inactive-subscribers-are-still-valuable-customers/

Shot 4: Opinion of the Week

Adding emotion and stories can help your engagement with email recipients: http://newslettermarketing.io/2016/02/11/beyond-open-loops-how-this-overarching-strategy-glues-your-subscribers-to-your-every-email/

Campaign monitor intereviews a number of industry experts to get their take on what's likely to happen with email marketing in 2016: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/guides/email-marketing-predictions-2016/

Summary: Hyper-targeted emails will become the norm according to Daniel Codella – ZURB

Shot 5: General Tip of the Week

A reminder of HubSpot's findings on when the best time to send your email is: http://www.hubspot.com/sales/best-time-send-email-report-2015

Summary: 11am Monday through Saturday, 9pm Sunday night


Shot 6: State of Inbound Item of the Week

Re-visiting some interesting points/stats we’ve covered previously, for example HubSpot's findings on why recipients unsubscribe from emails:  http://research.hubspot.com/reports/native-advertising-rises-as-consumers-opt-out

Shot 7: Motivation of the Week

There are now so many ‘workplace collaboration’ options being used (e.g. Slack) that a lot of general work emails are getting moved to these tools. And that means there’s less competition for the Inbox: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/01/what-comes-after-email/422625/

Action item: there’s actually more opportunity for email to work for you

Shot 8: Resource of the Week

A whole bunch of useful resources to think through:

Shot 9: Community Item of the Week

Inbound.org threads related to Email: https://inbound.org/hub/email

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