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Episode 35: The Fascinating Episode

Episode 35: The Fascinating Episode

Welcome to Episode 35 of HubShots!

Recorded: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

168 days to INBOUND16!
Join us in Boston!

Prediction: Sally Hogshead as a speaker

Consider these two findings:
1: People are prepared to pay a lot to be the most fascinating person in a room
2: Most people don’t consider themselves fascinating

Then think about:
If you could make someone feel as though they are fascinating, think how much they would value that (think $). Consider your behaviour when talking with friends, spouses, customers, family and how you can make them feel more valued.

Shot 2: Fascinating Insight of the Week

Fascinating insights from Pew Research: http://www.journalism.org/2016/05/05/long-form-reading-shows-signs-of-life-in-our-mobile-news-world/
Mobile hasn’t even reached anywhere near its potential yet...


Imagine if someone told you that 20% of your leads were coming from one unexpected source. You’d be very interested to learn more.
Use that perspective to consider that 20% of Google’s searches are coming from voice. This is incredible.

Pro Tip: So when creating content create headlines as questions. Think of micro-moments.

Shot 3: HubSpot feature/tip of the Week

HubSpot Hacks

Using GoToWebinar with HubSpot: http://knowledge.hubspot.com/go-to-webinar-user-guide-v2/how-to-connect-hubspot-and-gotowebinar

Two of Craig’s customers have used this integration well.

Shot 4: Observation of the week

HubSpot has dropped all the sidebar from their blogs and all the list view only the first has an image and after every 5th blog post there is a CTA!

Shot 5: Opinion of the Week

Was WordPress smart to buy the .blog TLD for $19M: https://inbound.org/discuss/was-the-blog-top-level-domain-worth-19-million

Think of the .co and .io domains.

Shot 6: General Tip of the Week

85% of video watched on Facebook is silent: http://digiday.com/platforms/silent-world-facebook-video/

Most users’ news feeds are now inundated with short videos that feature text or captions narrating what’s being shown on screen. While most of these videos feature narration or some form of background music, the intent is to make it easy for people to consume the information presented in the videos without needing to turn the sound on.

Using Medium: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-use-medium
Realism - Get accurate reading time estimates while you browse the web.

Shot 6: Motivation of the Week

More on Buyer Personas: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2016/05/build-buyer-personas/

Salespeople and customers tell you different things. Since your buyer personas must address the needs of both sides, you need to talk with customers as well.

Especially her tips for looking at LinkedIn profiles:

LinkedIn profiles
“I live on LinkedIn,” Ardath says. “I have a subscription on LinkedIn, so I get access to the advanced search capabilities. I can go out and do profile searches on people like the personas I’m building.”
For every persona she builds, she sifts through 50 to 100 LinkedIn profiles, looking for people who have taken the time to build their profiles. “You can learn a lot from people’s profiles,” she says.
If people are posting on LinkedIn Pulse, figure out their viewpoints from what they publish. If they belong to groups, find out what’s going on in those groups.
Ardath gets the most value from the LinkedIn summaries people write about themselves and from the recommendations others give about them.

I document all this stuff in spreadsheets. I look for commonalities. I look for attributes that keep coming up across the profiles, like ‘Sally was a great mentor to me’ or ‘Edgar is detail-oriented and always on point.’ I look for information that repeats.

Shot 7: Podcast of the Week

Unmistakeable Creative podcast - https://unmistakablecreative.com/

Shot 8: App of the Week

Evernote - we love it: https://evernote.com/


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